Gill 719 SafetyMax Vault Box Collar

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Compliant with new NFHS and NCAA Rules for safety.


WHY: Select this product if you want maximum protection for PV safety in compliance with the latest rule changes for High School and College competition.

WHAT: The SafetyMax Vault Box Collar provides additional protection by padding exposed hard surfaces and is fully compliant with ASTM standard F2949. Safety yellow color helps highlight the open area for planting the vaulting pole. The SafetyMax+ will work with any style of pole vault landing system.

  • SafetyMax Vault Box Collar for NFHS and NCAA competition
  • Additional protection over hard surfaces without interference
  • Bright Yellow Color


HOW: Add to your shopping cart to order immediately or call/email us for a free quote to purchase via Purchase Order or Signed Proposal to be invoiced upon receipt of the equipment.


Gill Athletics

For over 80 years, Gill manufactures the complete line of track and field equipment. Gill is responsible for innovative products such as poles and hurdles for the highest level athletes in the world to the beginner. Additional lines include the Power Max strength and conditioning products.
