Douglas QuickStart Tennis Premier Post

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QuickStart Tennis permanent mount Premier tennis post for Juniors (10 & under)


The Premier Tennis Post is the top of the line model for permanent mount Quickstart Tennis programs. It is manufactured with a 3″ round, 11 gauge steel post design with a baked-on polyester powder coat finish in green or black.

  • Internally wound with a self-locking, steel plated gear mechanism with chrome plated gear plate and removable handle
  • Gear function is 30-to-1 to ensure easy operation and the small gear is case hardened
  • Complete with welded lacing rods
  • Nets and Ground Sleeves purchased separately

8 & Under: Uses a 54″ long post (36″ above ground)

9-10: Uses a 60″ long post (42″ above ground)


Douglas Industries

Douglas has been supplying quality sports equipment for over 40 years! Covering all the major sports, you are sure to find the right product for your team including baseball, basketball, tennis, volleyball, soccer, hockey, lacrosse and golf equipment. Douglas is a major supplier of windscreen and netting for any facility.
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